Dura-Block 7-Piece Hook-and-Loop Sanding Kit AF44HL


SKU #1700532
Availability: Out of Stock
Price: $146.99

Made from reliable, high-quality, 100 percent ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) rubber, this hook and loop sanding kit offers an impressive thickness of 20 PFC, resulting in much more rigid and sturdy blocking. Because of the design and formula, it's a perfect solution for your blocking needs, and you won't have to worry about weakening due to wear and tear over time. These blocks are applicable for both wet and dry sanding applications, making them a versatile addition to your repertoire of tools.

This Dura-Block 7-piece Hook & Loop Sanding Kit uses hook and loop paper that's 2-3/4" wide, specifically designed to flex along with the curves and bows of virtually any surface imaginable, including metal, tile and wood. Sanding and shaping with access to a bevy of different block sizes makes any job immediately easier, with a finished product that's more aestheticallypleasing to the eye.

Because the kit features 7 unique pieces, it's easy for you to get the finish you require from each size and style of block. Whether you're sanding body filler with 80 grit or color sanding with a high grit sandpaper, these blocks are conducive to a job well done, providing you with even striations and consistency across your entire work area.

Key Features of the Dura-Block 7pc. Hook and Loop Sanding Kit - AF44HL:

  • 100% EVA Rubber
  • 20 PFC thickness for more rigid blocking
  • Designed to flex with the contour of any surface
  • Uses 2-3/4" wide hook & loop paper

Kit Includes:

  • (1) 3/4"H x 1-3/8"W x 11"L - AF220 standard block
  • (1) 1-1/2"H x 2-5/8"W x 5-1/2"L - AF4417 1/3 block
  • (1) 1-1/2"H x 2-5/8"W x 11"L - AF4418 2/3 block
  • (1) 1-1/2"H x 2-5/8"W x 16"L - AF4419 full size block
  • (1) 11"L, 1-1/4" thick - AF4421 round block
  • (1) 1/2"H x 2-1/2"W x 5-3/8"L - AF4422 scruff block
  • (1) AF4408-S Dura-Scrub soap bar
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